
In this special column called the “TLC x Fempreneurs Series”, we will be featuring inspiring Female Entrepreneurs (Fempreneurs) in short. You will be able to have a sneak peek at their mindsets and their daily habits.

Believe in the power of community. On some days when you feel big goals are impossible, or when you feel like giving up, you need to lean on your like-minded community. You can even “borrow” motivation, and in turn “return” with your own inspiring stories to pay it forward.


Meet Maddy Goh (Inicio Group)



Fempreneur Maddy Goh



Tell us a little about yourself. What is your business/ brand about?


Hi, I’m Maddy Goh, I run Inicio Group Pte Ltd as an independent recruitment firm. I’ve been in the recruiting field for over 16 years, focusing primarily on corporate function roles in multi-industries for the Asia Pacific region.

I love the challenge of finding the right fit for both candidates and companies. It’s incredibly rewarding to help someone land a job where they can truly display their capability at work. I’m passionate about connecting talented professionals with roles that make a difference in people’s lives. Currently, I’m working on enhancing our diversity hiring initiatives, as I believe a diverse workforce leads to more innovative solutions. When I’m not working, I love to travel and enjoy exploring new cultures. On weekends, I enjoy cooking and baking with my kids, experimenting with and creating new recipes.



What got you started on your business?


My family and I spent five years living in Tokyo, Japan, and we returned to Singapore in 2023. After coming back, I reconnected with friends I had lost touch with during our time in Japan. Many friends and relatives who know me well asked when I planned to return to work. This prompted me to consider whether I wanted to use my experience to help people in the job market.

The concept of Ikigai resonated with me—doing what you love and what you excel at. I’m passionate about recruitment and aim to empower clients and candidates to achieve their full potential in their organizations and careers.


Before you started your business, what did you do on a full-time basis?


I began my career in banking before transitioning to recruitment, where I worked for 16 years. In 2018, my family and I relocated to Tokyo for five years due to my husband’s job. During that time, I focused on family, ensuring our household and kids were well cared for. It was a fantastic bonding experience for us. As a stay-at-home mom in a new environment, I encountered both challenges and joys, and I’m thankful for my supportive husband, who helps out at home whenever we can, even now that we’re back in Singapore.


Fempreneur Maddy Goh



What were some difficulties you faced in your life and how did you overcome them?


We all encounter various challenges at different stages of our lives. During my early career in banking, I enjoyed the work environment, but my motivation wasn’t strong enough to keep me engaged, so I stayed for seven years. My boyfriend at the time (now my husband) encouraged me to make a career change. This was a significant shift for me, opening up new opportunities and revealing a different side of myself. My husband has been a constant source of support throughout my career transition. I transformed from being an introvert into someone quite different from who I used to be.

I connect with people not just for business or financial gain. Some of my relationships remain strong even after five years apart while I was living overseas. When I started my business, I was unsure about marketing and accounting. Thankfully, the long-term relationships I built with my candidates proved invaluable, as they assisted me with various marketing and accounting aspects, for which I am truly grateful.



Fempreneur Maddy Goh and Her Family



Who inspires you?


I don’t have a specific person I look up to for guidance, but I find inspiration in the books I read, the podcasts I listen to, and the experiences shared by everyday people. Everyone faces their own challenges, and their stories have given me valuable insights on how to tackle my own difficulties. For instance, while volunteering at a charity organization, I’ve encountered many everyday heroes who bravely confront illness with a positive outlook. Their resilience has prompted me to reflect on my own situation, especially when I consider that some people face much bigger problems. If they can maintain a positive mindset and overcome their struggles, then I realize that self-limiting thoughts can prevent us from solving our issues. It’s important to avoid falling into a negative mindset that leads to excuses for not taking action. I believe that trying is worthwhile; while failure can be disappointing, it’s far better than never trying at all and missing out on new experiences.



What excites you most about your industry?


In recruitment, the focus is on connecting people and building meaningful relationships. It’s incredibly rewarding to assist candidates in achieving their career aspirations by matching them with roles that align with their skills, helping them advance in their careers. By collaborating closely with clients and hiring managers, we can streamline and enhance the hiring process for their organizations.
The industry is dynamic and constantly evolving, influenced by trends in workforce needs, market demands and technology.

It’s a huge part of me hoping and trying to give back and I think I have the knowledge to help people understand how they can find an easier route to finding a job. I am also trying to raise awareness about what a recruiter can be and can do. Not every recruiter is the same and I strive to present myself as approachable, encouraging clients or candidates to ask questions relating to talent acquisition and job search.



What is your vision / personal motto?


Through the passage of time, my perspective and guiding principles have evolved. I used to think that a comfortable life meant enjoying luxuries like driving a nice car and living in a large house. However, I now realize that true pleasure comes from happiness and health. My vision is to instill the right values in my children, especially in a world where social media often presents a distorted view of reality.

I felt that we used to live more simply and happily, but nowadays, many people seem to struggle with trivial matters, leading to feelings of upset and depression. I want to ensure my kids develop big hearts and the right values in life, learning how to connect with others and lead fulfilling lives. This doesn’t necessarily mean pursuing material wealth, but rather finding purpose and joy in life.



What do you do in your free time as self care? How do you unwind?


I enjoy going on nature walks with my friends. Spending time outdoors helps us clear our minds and relieve stress. After our weekly walks, we often treat ourselves to breakfast at various places while having great conversations. Additionally, Friday nights are dedicated to movie nights with my family, which is a wonderful time for family bonding.



How do you think you can help ladies to feel confident and empowered?


Confidence comes in various forms. For instance, the way you dress and present yourself can create an impression of professionalism, which can help build your self-confidence. However, true confidence also stems from within. It’s important to engage in discussions and not just be a passive recipient of information. When conversations turn into monologues, you might learn something, but it doesn’t convey that you’re knowledgeable.
Remember, there’s no such thing as a stupid question. The worst that can happen when you ask is that you might feel a bit silly, but you’ll gain knowledge in the process. I believe confidence is rooted in knowledge, which is limitless.

So, always seek to learn from others, listen actively, contribute to conversations, and be open to exchanging ideas without being rigid in your own opinions.



Inicio Group Brand Logo



What is one thing you are grateful for?


I’m grateful for my family, who are always there for me no matter what happens. Having a supportive family is a true blessing. Their love and presence can make a world of difference in our lives.



Let us know more about what you do!


Maximize Your Talent Acquisition with Inicio Group! Are you struggling to find top-tier candidates? We specialize in delivering exceptional recruitment solutions tailored to your specific hiring needs. Let us streamline your hiring process and attract the best talent for your team.



Connect with Maddy Goh (Inicio Group)


Website: https://www.iniciogroup.com/



Are you a Fempreneur too?


Connect with us – we’d love to feature you! Say hi to us at hello@theladiescue.com or reach out to us via our social media.



Read TLC x Fempreneur Series: