
In this special column called the “TLC x Fempreneurs Series”, we will be featuring inspiring Female Entrepreneurs (Fempreneurs) in short. You will be able to have a sneak peek at their mindsets and their daily habits.

Believe in the power of community. On some days when you feel big goals are impossible, or when you feel like giving up, you need to lean on your like-minded community. You can even “borrow” motivation, and in turn “return” with your own inspiring stories to pay it forward.

Meet Lily Pham (Asiawide Business Consulting and Trading)

TLC x Fempreneurs Series: Lily Pham (Asiawide Business Consulting and Trading)

TLC x Fempreneurs Series: Lily Pham (Asiawide Business Consulting and Trading)

Tell us a little about yourself. What is your business/ brand about?

Hi! My name is Lily Pham. And I am a Fempreneur from Vietnam. Now I’m running a consulting company for Vietnamese and foreigners – Asiawide Business Consulting and Trading. Besides that, I have a Rock Climbing Club – The Challenge Rock Climbing; a small online shop selling Imported fruits and wine – Lily’s Garden; and helping families in real estate projects in PR and event part – Van Phuc Riverside City.

What got you started on your business? 

I believe fate got me here. I have an opportunity to make friends in many overseas countries, and they all love Vietnam. So to make it easier to help my friend, I decided to open a company with full service for newbies in Vietnam. For F&B and rock climbing, after COVID19 time, I realized people care more about their health, so I want to do different things for a healthy life, like quality fruits and good sports.

TLC x Fempreneurs Series: Lily Pham (Asiawide Business Consulting and Trading)

The Challenge Rock Climbing

Before you started your business, what did you do on a full-time basis?

Following my graduation, I established a personal timeline with the goal of gaining a diverse range of work experiences across various industries before reaching the age of 25. This deliberate approach allowed me to absorb valuable insights from every job I undertook. For instance, during my tenure at VPbank Security, I thrived in a highly professional environment characterized by distinct departments. This experience provided me with valuable insights into effective team-building and management strategies. Subsequently, I ventured into the startup scene within the food and beverage sector, where I had the opportunity to comprehensively learn the industry from its foundational aspects to its upper echelons. I am deeply grateful to my former bosses for their invaluable guidance and mentorship throughout this journey.

What were some difficulties you faced in your life and how did you overcome them?

I can tell that, at present is the most difficult time for me and for everybody. With this economic damage, everybody chooses to shut down or cut off many staff. So after a time trying to improve sales, I think we should step back and observe more, spend time learning more skills, and save the spend. More flexible, I choose to focus more on online shopping. My priority now is to keep things balanced, not to lose too much.

Who inspires you?

I am lucky to be born into a family with many talented women. I have a mom and 3 aunts who inspired me a lot. One is very good at helping people, she said “Giving is Forever”. One teaches me how to do business, you have to build a strong base then you can build higher, and no worries. One teaches me about company behavior, you should your heart into what you do and you receive what you’re worth. One teaches me social skills, making friends, and being sincere, so the chances will come.

What excites you most about your industry?

Asiawide, I have had chances to meet more friends from overseas, learning from them and from their businesses.

TLC x Fempreneurs Series: Lily Pham (Asiawide Business Consulting and Trading)

Fempreneur Lily Pham

What is your vision / personal motto?

My vision is to give value to people, create an environment for young people to be successful, and make my family happy all the time. My personal motto is: Keep calm – confident – humble.

Do you have any words of advice for other ladies who are starting their businesses/ starting to pursue their dreams?

I just want to say that YOU ARE DOING WELL, keep trusting in your mind, if no one believes in you, you have to believe it yourself. We might fall but we can rise again. Don’t forget that we are women and our gift is to be gentle and use it when we need it.

Van Phuc City

What have you learned recently that you hope the other ladies can take back?

I’ve been engrossed in a book that emphasizes the idea that gentleness can be a source of great strength. As a result, I’ve been actively working on controlling my temper. I believe that adopting this approach can make life smoother and more manageable for women.

How do you think you can help ladies to feel confident and empowered?

I think every woman has their own beauty. Be unique. When you are good at things, everybody will respect you. Do not be just a Barbie doll, be a girl with a brain and a kind heart.
TLC x Fempreneurs Series: Lily Pham (Asiawide Business Consulting and Trading)

Asiawide Business Consulting and Trading & The Challenge Rock Climbing Brand Logo

What is one thing you are grateful for?

I am grateful for having a good base family, that taught and trained me to be a woman with responsibility.

What do you do in your free time as self-care? How do you unwind?

When I have free time, I really like to just lie down in bed, play piano, and watch YouTube self-learn another language, or soak in the tub with a little music and candles. Giving a private space for myself.

Let us know more about what you do!

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Are you a Fempreneur too?

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