
Have you ever stopped to think about water? It is something so simple, yet so essential to our lives. But did you know that water has distinct flavours and characteristics depending on its source and composition?

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend Singapore’s First Water Sommelier Sam Wu’s Masterclass on water tasting and it was eye-opening! For $599 (up to 7 pax), we were able to explore the fascinating world of water like never before!

Exploring The World of Water With Singapore's First Water Sommelier

Sam Wu, Singapore’s First Water Sommelier

Singapore’s First Water Sommelier 

Sam Wu brings a vast amount of knowledge and experience to the world of water appreciation. As a Certified Water Sommelier from both Doemens Academy and Fine Water Academy in 2018, he stands as the only individual in Southeast Asia to have graduated from both prestigious institutions.

His motivation for creating the Water Tasting Masterclass comes from a desire to educate people about the details and distinctions of water. He noticed a lack of understanding, particularly among Singaporeans, regarding the differences between tap water and mineral water. To address this gap, he set himself on a mission to spread awareness about water through talks in schools, corporations, and private tastings.

Eventually, Sam developed his masterclass, summarising what he had learned in both Doemens and Fine Water Academy. This allows participants to taste water from various regions around the globe!

Exploring The World of Water With Singapore's First Water Sommelier

Tasting different waters from around the world

Exploring The World of Water With Singapore's First Water Sommelier

Trying out the different tastes created from different minerality

Exploring The World of Water With Singapore's First Water Sommelier

Tasting cheap bottled waters to expensive spring waters

The Masterclass Experience

From the moment the masterclass began, you could feel Sam’s passion for water. He guided us through an exploration of over 80 different types of water from around the world, each with its own unique taste, body, and texture. From the crisp freshness of low mineral waters to the high minerality spring water. We sampled a diverse range of bottled waters some that I never knew existed!

The whole experience was not just about tasting water. I felt that it was more of understanding water on a deeper level. We put water into our bodies daily and it made me reflect on how little I actually know about water.

Sam shared insights into the importance of water quality, the factors that influence its taste, and how to pair water with food to enhance the dining experience. It was like experiencing a fine wine tasting but with the alcohol!

What struck me most about the masterclass was Sam’s genuine enthusiasm for his work. He engaged us in thought-provoking discussions and encouraged us to appreciate water in a whole new way. By the end of the session, I felt like I had a new found appreciation for something I had always taken for granted.

Exploring The World of Water With Singapore's First Water Sommelier

Part of the tasting range

Exploring The World of Water With Singapore's First Water Sommelier

Sam explaining on label reading

Sign Up For The Masterclass

If you ever get the chance to attend one of Sam Wu’s masterclasses, I highly recommend it. Whether you are a water connoisseur or simply curious about what you put in you, it will be an experience that will leave you thirsty for more knowledge.

If you’re interested in joining me for the next session, contact Sam at +65 96153273 or email sam@thewatersommelier.sg

Until then, stay hydrated and keep exploring!

Website: https://www.thewatersommelier.sg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thewatersommeliersg
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thewatersommelier.sg

Read More by Co-Founder of The Ladies Cue, Melissa Wee