
In a heartwarming display of compassion and community spirit, The Ladies Cue, co-founded by Jenny Lee and myself, recently organized the “Celebration Compassion: A Day of Giving” charity event at Bishan Home for the Intellectually Disabled. It was a day filled with music, art, delicious food, and most importantly, the joy of giving back.

Celebration Compassion: A Day of Giving at The Ladies Cue

Celebration Compassion: A Day of Giving at The Ladies Cue

Bishan Home for the Intellectually Disabled has been a sanctuary for individuals with intellectual disabilities, providing them with the care, support, and a sense of belonging that everyone deserves.

Guzheng Performance

Voice of The Ladies Cue, Aziel Khoo Playing Guzheng at Bishan Home

The event kicked off with a mesmerizing Guzheng performance by the talented Voice of The Ladies Cue, Aziel Khoo, a well-known Guzheng teacher in Singapore. Aziel’s traditional Chinese melodies resonated through the halls, filling the residence with a sense of serenity.

Arts and Crafts

Founder of Jovet, Angie Wong, Leading Arts and Crafts Class at Bishan Home

Celebration Compassion: A Day of Giving at The Ladies Cue

Art and Crafts Done By Bishan Home Residents

Following the musical performance, Angie Wong, the Founder of Jovet, stepped in to guide the Bishan Home residents in an art and craft session. The room buzzed with creativity as everyone put their artistic talents to work, creating beautiful pieces of art.

Lunch Time

Lunch at Bishan Home Catered by Saute San

Celebration Compassion: A Day of Giving at The Ladies Cue

Lunch at Bishan Home Catered by Saute San

As lunchtime approached, a delectable Korean vegetarian feast from Saute San awaited the hungry participants. What truly warmed our hearts was witnessing a resident who rarely ate much enthusiastically, finished the entire bento set, a testament to the quality of Saute San’s cuisine!

Celebration Compassion: A Day of Giving at The Ladies Cue

The Water Sommelier sponsored 200 bottles of Solán de Cabras to Bishan Home

To quench their thirst, The Water Sommelier sponsored a special pink water for the residents, perfectly aligning with The Ladies Cue’s vibrant spirit. The pink water, sourced from Solan Water, not only symbolized our community but also brought a refreshing touch to the charity event.

This event was not just about providing entertainment and sustenance; it was about creating cherished moments, spreading smiles, and sharing love. It’s a reminder that as a community, we can make a positive impact on the lives of others.

Celebration Compassion: A Day of Giving at The Ladies Cue

Daily Schedule at Bishan Home

The Ladies Cue extends its gratitude to all the individuals and businesses who contributed to this meaningful charity event. Together, we’re shaping a future where empowerment, unity, and compassion prevail.

As we reflect on this unforgettable day, we are reminded of the power of community, the joy of giving, and the profound impact small acts of kindness can have. Stay tuned for more inspiring initiatives as we continue our journey of empowerment at The Ladies Cue.

If you’d like to learn more about Bishan Home, please visit their website here.

Want to be a part of upcoming charity events?

Thank you to everyone who made “Celebration Compassion: A Day of Giving” possible, and to our incredible community for their unwavering support. Together, we’re making a difference, one act of kindness at a time.

If you would like to join us in our upcoming charity events, share your interest by filling out this Interest Form. Your kindness and willingness to make a positive impact on the lives of others are truly precious.

You can also say hi to us at hello@theladiescue.com or reach out to us via our social media.

Read More by Co-Founder of The Ladies Cue, Melissa Wee