
Are you planning a trip to Ho Chi Minh City soon? Find yourself in the heart of this vibrant Vietnamese city, where The Ladies Cue recently discovered a hidden culinary gem – Bếp Mẹ Ỉn, winners of Vietnam’s first Michelin Bib Gourmand. This extraordinary restaurant, purposefully designed for locals and travellers, provides a haven in this bustling city.

As you step inside, you will immediately feel the inviting and elegant ambiance. Bếp Mẹ Ỉn is not just a place to dine, it’s a special treat for those who love great food, admire art and a welcoming environment. Come along with Jenny and me as we embark on a culinary adventure, sharing the mouthwatering dishes that brought delight to our taste buds!

Vietnamese Culinary Adventure: Exploring Delicacies At Bep Mein

Vietnamese Culinary Adventure: Exploring Delicacies At Bếp Mẹ Ỉn

Vietnamese Culinary Adventure: Exploring Delicacies At Bếp Mẹ Ỉn

Vietnamese Culinary Adventure: Exploring Delicacies At Bep Mein

Vietnamese Culinary Adventure: Exploring Delicacies At Bep Mein

The Menu: Exploration of Vietnamese Flavors

Vietnamese Culinary Adventure: Exploring Delicacies At Bep Mein

Lotus Stem Salad with Pork and Shrimp

1) Lotus Stem Salad with Pork and Shrimp

Our culinary adventure commenced with a burst of freshness – the Lotus Stem Salad. The crispy lotus stems harmonize with succulent pork and shrimp, dressed in a vibrant sauce that tantalizes the senses.

Vietnamese Culinary Adventure: Exploring Delicacies At Bep Mein

Banh Xeo

Vietnamese Culinary Adventure: Exploring Delicacies At Bep Mein

Banh Xeo

2) Banh Xeo (Vietnamese Pancake)

Next up, is the iconic Vietnamese Banh Xeo. Enjoy a crispy, golden crepe filled with succulent prawns, fresh herbs, and aromatic spices. With every bite, you will taste the harmonious blend of textures and flavors, a true masterpiece of Vietnamese cuisine!

Vietnamese Culinary Adventure: Exploring Delicacies At Bep Mein

Bun Cha

3) Bun Cha

The star of the show, Bun Cha, Jenny’s favorite! A dish that tells a story of Vietnamese culinary heritage, it features tender grilled pork served with rice noodles, fresh herbs, and a savory dipping sauce. It’s a harmonious medley of flavors that will make you come back for more. (I only ate one slice as you all know I don’t usually eat pork. =P)

Vietnamese Culinary Adventure: Exploring Delicacies At Bep Mein

Snakehead Fish Sour Soup with Tomato

4) Snakehead Fish Sour Soup with Tomato

We continued our culinary exploration with Snakehead Fish Sour Soup, a delightful combination of flavors featuring the fresh catch of the day, tomatoes, and a tantalizing broth. I love the taste of it so much, my favorite of all!

Vietnamese Culinary Adventure: Exploring Delicacies At Bep Mein

Fried Rice in Coconut with Egg and Shrimp

5) Fried Rice in Coconut with Egg and Shrimp

The journey reached new heights with Fried Rice in Coconut. The subtle sweetness of coconut complements the savory notes of perfectly stir-fried rice, enhanced by the delicate flavors of egg and succulent shrimp.

6) Deep Fried Pork Knuckle 

Another of Jenny’s favorites served hot and crispy, the Deep Fried Pork Knuckle is a delightful addition to our order. This dish boasts tender, succulent pork knuckles, marinated to perfection, and deep-fried to achieve a beautiful crunch. It’s a savory masterpiece that perfectly complements the other Vietnamese delights we had at Bếp Mẹ Ỉn.

The Artistry of Bếp Mẹ Ỉn’s Murals

Vietnamese Culinary Adventure: Exploring Delicacies At Bep Mein Vietnamese Culinary Adventure: Exploring Delicacies At Bep Mein Vietnamese Culinary Adventure: Exploring Delicacies At Bep Mein

Bếp Mẹ Ỉn isn’t just a place for culinary delights; it’s also a canvas of artistic expression. As you explore the 5-storey restaurant, your eyes will feast upon the captivating murals that grace the restaurant’s walls. These intricate artworks depict the vibrant tapestry of Vietnamese culture, telling stories of this beautiful nation through the strokes of talented artists.

Each mural is a masterpiece in its own right, offering a visual complement to the culinary adventure. These wall paintings provide us with a delightful backdrop to our dining experience, creating an ambiance that’s both culturally enriching and aesthetically pleasing.

Vietnamese Culinary Adventure: Exploring Delicacies At Bep Mein

Vietnamese Culinary Adventure: Exploring Delicacies At Bep Mein

Jenny and I  invite you to explore the vibrant flavors of Vietnam with Bếp Mẹ Ỉn. The Ladies Cue will continue to seek out hidden food treasures and share them with you. So, are you ready to embark on Ho Chi Minh’s food adventure? Share your thoughts with us and stay tuned for more tales from our travels. Until next time, happy eating!

Read More by Co-Founder of The Ladies Cue, Melissa Wee