
The Ladies Cue has officially turned three! 

To commemorate this special occasion, The Ladies Cue held a small, intimate gathering in light of the unpredictable Covid-19 situation. It has been more than 2 years since we last gathered, so it was a very special moment and a breakthrough after the impacts of the pandemic, which caused many of the offline events to be held online instead.

Go Green, Stay Pink

The Ladies Cue Celebrates 3rd Anniversary!

The Ladies Cue Celebrates 3rd Anniversary With Media Friends

The theme of our third-anniversary gathering was Go Green, Stay Pink, where The Ladies Cue strongly promotes sustainability and good health.

Sustainability is an increasingly important issue for many people as climate change continues to affect our lives, as well as the fate of all other species around the planet. On our part, we are continuously working to maintain a sustainable business to attain green business functions in the best interests of the local and global environment. Apart from the business aspect, we are also hoping to spread awareness of building a sustainable personal lifestyle.

Additionally, health awareness has been on the steep rise, especially ever since the pandemic hit. Therefore, we are always wishing everyone to be well and healthy.

Good Food, Good Company

The Ladies Cue Celebrates 3rd Anniversary!

The Ladies Cue x Stamford Catering

The gathering would not be complete without an array of mouth-watering food, right? Stamford Catering kindly sent us a variety of Halal Korean food, and we would like to thank them for sponsoring us. The full article on their first-ever Halal Korean buffet can be read here.

The Ladies Cue Celebrates 3rd Anniversary!

The Ladies Cue Celebrates 3rd Anniversary With Media Friends

Of course, this gathering could not have been possible without all those who were with us. It was extremely nice to see everyone again after so long, and not to mention the rest who could not make it, we definitely did not forget about you in our hearts! We really appreciate all of your love and support.

We would also like to extend our thanks to Xiao Qing, Jasmine, and Farien for sponsoring the beautiful and cozy venue.

The Ladies Cue Celebrates 3rd Anniversary!

Our Co-Founders Melissa and Jenny at The Ladies Cue 3rd Anniversary Celebration

The pandemic has not been kind to many business owners, and that does not exclude the Co-founders of The Ladies Cue, Jenny, and Melissa. They have gone through many challenges to cope with the changes. Yet despite all of that, they have managed to overcome adversities with perseverance, determination, positivity, and more importantly, through the supporters of The Ladies Cue.

“Whatever hiccups that we face, it doesn’t matter as long as we have each other. Everything happens for a reason.” – Melissa Tan, Co-founder of The Ladies Cue.

The Ladies Cue Celebrates 3rd Anniversary!

Surrounded by Beautiful Sunflowers by AngelFlorist

A huge shout out to Angelflorist for sending over these beautiful sunflowers! Often used as a symbol of happiness and congratulations, The Ladies Cue is grateful to have true friendships and deep conversations that never stop making ladies smile. Spirits are instantly lifted with the rows of sunflowers as each media guest brings home joy and a great memory to keep for a long time.

Women Empowerment

As mentioned by the Peace Corps (based in the United States), giving women opportunities to reach their full potential is critical not only for attaining gender equality but also for meeting a wide range of international development goals. Empowered women contribute to the health and productivity of their families, communities, and countries, creating a ripple effect that benefits everyone.

One of the aims of The Ladies Cue is to help educate and empower women to better serve the ladies’ community in Asia. In this journey towards true happiness, self-care, and self-love, the Ladies Cue hopes to adequately address the needs of ladies from different backgrounds: Single or married ladies, full-time mothers, stay-at-home mothers, mompreneurs, etc. We also hope to promote the idea of women supporting women. Initiatives will be carried out through various channels, revolving around personal development; holistic health and wellness; beauty and fashion, etc.

Let’s Connect!

We hope to make a difference to you. If you are a lady, come forward and contact us! You can reach us via Instagram or Facebook (both at @theladiescue) or drop us an email at hello@theladiescue.com! We look forward to hearing from you!

About The Ladies Cue

The Ladies Cue is a Female Lifestyle Community across Asia (Founded in Singapore) that brings ladies trends and happenings about Beauty & Wellness, Health, Food, Fashion, Travel, Parenting, and Fempreneurship through digital and offline platforms.

Happy 3rd birthday to The Ladies Cue!