
Mummy, Take Care of Yourself After Birth

Newborn baby with mother.

Making time for yourself as a new parent could be challenging. There is so much to adapt, so much to learn, and everything new is happening all at once. You feel like you have no free time to yourself. If you are a mummy with a newborn, it is crucial to remind yourself that you need to take some time to pamper yourself every now and then.  After all, you need to take care of yourself in order to be able to take care of others.

Mothers drinking water and soft drinks in bottles and glasses. (Pretending its wine does help the mind relax!)

Pamper Yourself Because You Deserve It!

The first step to feeling less overwhelmed is understanding why you feel like you have no time. Once you understand where these feelings are coming from, you can address them directly. Implement practical actions to give you and your partner a much-needed break. For example, having lunch out once in a while or get together with friends and relax while dining.  Seek help from family, maybe siblings who can help keep an eye on the little ones while you take a few hours off for yourself mummy.

Use DIY facial sheet masks if time is really not on your side.

What Can You Do?

Treat yourself to a homemade facial occasionally. You can easily mix one up with the ingredients in your own kitchen. Do-it-yourself (DIY) skincare recipes are all over the Internet.

Newborns take frequent naps lasting anywhere from 2 to 4 hours, for a total of 16 to 18 hours of sleep each day. If you are feeling severely sleep-deprived, that means the only sleep you are getting is overnight. Sleep while the baby sleeps can sometimes be challenging because of other kids in the house or because of our internal body clocks. However, it is always a good idea to try and get some rest while your newborn is asleep.

On the occasions when you are going to get your hair done or a manicure make sure dad is home to watch the kids so you can really enjoy the pampering. After the kids are in bed, forget the laundry and dishes once in a while and take a long hot bath if you want. You can even throw in some homemade bath salts or bubble baths if you like.

Bubble baths help to relax both the mind and the body.

So go ahead and indulge yourself a little bit occasionally, you will be a better mom from it!

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