
In this special column named ‘The Babies Cue x Parenthood Series’ we will be showcasing the incredible stories of parents within our community. Get an exclusive glimpse into their parenting philosophies and daily routines.

Believe in the strength of the community. During those challenging moments when you feel overwhelmed or unsure, you can always rely on your fellow parents. You can seek motivation from their experiences and share your own inspiring tales to uplift others within the community.

Meet Jenny Lee (A Mother of 2 Teens, Aged 14 & 12)

Jenny Lee

Jenny Lee, Mompreneur photo taken by Squarefixed Photography

Tell us a little about yourself.

Founder & CEO of Clover Enterprise Pte Ltd, managing 2 communities named The Ladies Cue & The Babies Cue.

With over 20 years of experience in B2C and B2B marketing and business development for the parenting, beauty, medical tourism, health, and wellness industries. I am passionate about helping startups and SMEs to grow their businesses and increase their market presence and revenue growth. Why so? Because I went through this journey myself. I know how tough and lonely it could be. Nevertheless, thanks to society and global technology’s rapid changes, it is so much better and easier now from some perspectives if you look at it positively.

Prior to starting out on my own, I worked at Mediacorp as a Senior Business Manager and managed a large portfolio of clients from multiple industries over the years by driving market growth, partnerships, brand awareness, and media marketing in the Asian region. My wealth of knowledge, expertise, experience, and extensive network in the media and publishing industry is truly a force to be reckoned with. My transformational mindset strategies work sets me apart from others as she transformed multiple companies from fading into oblivion to thriving and award-winning stature.

I am happily married and a mother of 2 kids. I also enjoy empowering women to unleash their full potential through healthy, harmonious, and well-balanced lifestyle choices.

However, my motherhood journey is not a bed of roses, and every milestone is a learning journey. We waited six years and finally have Claire our 1st born!

I went through a miscarriage, complications of pregnancies, and cesarean birth deliveries, pre and postpartum slight depression.

My journey through motherhood has been far from easy, but it has been filled with invaluable lessons, newfound strength, and, above all, the inspiration to create The Babies Cue. This community is a place where parents, like you, can find a source of support, share experiences, and embrace the journey of parenthood with open hearts and open minds.

The Babies Cue is a testament to the power of resilience, hope, and the strength we can find within ourselves when we face life’s challenges head-on. It is a place of empathy, positivity, and the belief that together, we can navigate the beautiful yet sometimes tumultuous path of parenthood. I invite you to join us, share your stories, and be part of this loving and supportive community as we celebrate the joy of parenthood and the strength that lies within us all.

How many children do you have? What are his/her/their names?

I am blessed to have 2 teens. Claire is my 1st born daughter, aged 14 and Cayden is my younger son, aged 12. Both are celebrating their birthdays soon on Dec 23 and Jan 24.

Family Bonding Day At Bird Paradise Singapore

Family Bonding Day At Bird Paradise Singapore

Why did you decide to have your child/children? How did you think having children would affect your life?

Embracing Tradition and Completing Our Family

Claire & Cayden

Claire & Cayden

Growing up in the conservative family environment of the 1970s, values, and traditions played an integral role in shaping our worldview. It was a time when family ties and heritage carried immense significance. It was within this context that the decision to have children became a deeply-rooted aspiration.

In our case, my hubby being the sole son of the Low family held a pivotal role. It was a tradition, a legacy to be passed down through generations, and the responsibility to carry forward the family name was a profound commitment. The idea of giving our children the surname “Low” held a special place in our hearts, a way of preserving our family’s history and heritage.

But our decision to have children wasn’t solely rooted in tradition. There was a personal yearning, a desire to experience the joys and challenges of parenthood. We longed for those precious moments of watching our children grow, learn, and develop their own unique personalities. The dream of nurturing and guiding them through life was a vision we held close to our hearts.

Our journey towards parenthood was driven by the belief that a family could be our cornerstone of love, support, and unity. We envisioned a complete family, one that would bring us joy, and also introduce us to the complexities and beauty of life as parents.

Claire Low, our first born daughter in Jan 2009.

Claire Low, our first-born daughter in Jan 2009.

Raising a family with two children has bestowed upon me wisdom, strength, and the courage to navigate the storms of this parenthood journey.

Cayden Low, our younger son in Dec 2010.

Cayden Low, our younger son in Dec 2010.

Describe your knowledge and/or experiences with children prior to becoming a parent. Did you prepare for parenting? If so, how did you prepare?

Family Pic by Studio Memories

Family Pic by Studio Memories

It was a path untraveled and unfamiliar, and the thought of raising children was quite daunting as I do not really like babies or children.

In a time when the internet and social media were not as prevalent as they are today, seeking guidance and information presented unique challenges. The available resources often lacked credibility, and the abundance of information on the web led to confusion. I was acutely aware that my quest for knowledge had to be cautious and discerning.

In preparation for parenthood, I turned to the expertise of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners, geomancers, and obstetric and gynecological specialists. Consulting with these experts offered a more structured and reliable source of information. It was a journey of seeking advice and knowledge from trusted professionals who could guide me through the uncharted territory of parenthood. Fortunately, I am in the BabyCare Business Unit within MediaCorp and thus, I have great ex-colleagues (with whom till now we have been great friends for years) and clients from the parenting industry to give me tips, perks, support, and advice among mommies.

How and where did you learn about pregnancy and childbirth? Were your expectations and knowledge of the prenatal and birth period accurate? 

Before/Preparing for Pregnancy: In the lead-up to our pregnancy journey, my hubby and I recognized the importance of building a foundation of good health for both of us. This included adopting a balanced diet, regular exercise, and healthy lifestyle choices. We understood that a healthy body was crucial for a smooth pregnancy. We also sought advice from healthcare professionals about pre-conception health and took steps to ensure that we were in optimal condition. I am thankful that he spent a lot of time, money, and effort on me and our children for both pregnancies.

Prenatal and Birth Period: Throughout the pregnancy, we diligently scheduled pre-natal check-ups with a gynecologist. These regular check-ups offered us insights into the health and development of the baby and allowed us to address any concerns or issues promptly. It was a period of learning, anticipation, and embracing the changes that come with pregnancy.

Postnatal: The postnatal period was another phase that required careful planning and attention. We understood the significance of good postnatal care. We sought the assistance of a confinement nanny who not only helped with meals but also offered invaluable guidance on postpartum recovery and newborn care. We learned that nurturing a child takes unconditional love, patience, and the delicate balance of giving and letting go. It was a period of growth, adaptation, and a deepening connection with our children.

Throughout the journey, our expectations and knowledge of prenatal and postnatal care evolved. We realized that while preparation and information were essential, the richness of the experience lay in the moments of discovery and the love we poured into every step of the way.

What has been the most meaningful part of parenting for you?

In my journey as a mompreneur, I have been truly blessed to have a network of supportive business associates. This invaluable support has not only allowed me to navigate the demanding world of entrepreneurship but has also provided the flexibility I needed to fulfill my most cherished role: being a mother to my children.

My journey as a mom and an entrepreneur has been a finely tuned balancing act, a dance of roles that, despite its challenges, has yielded profound meaning and fulfillment. Thanks to the flexibility that my business endeavors afford, I’ve been able to nurture my children as they’ve grown side by side. This shared journey has forged a bond between them that is both deep and enduring.

What had been the most difficult part of parenting for you?

Doing my best to learn how to let go and not take everything so hard on myself.

Who inspires you to become a better parent?

My children. They inspired me to be a leader and change-maker! Motivate me to be creative, adventurous, and spontaneous. I want them to feel proud and happy to have a mom who loves and supports them as much as I can. I will always remind myself must set a role model and must have the strength to overcome any challenges.

Claire & Cayden

Claire & Cayden

What is your personal motto?

All the pain I go through will become my strength and precious experiences.

Do you have any words of advice for other parents who are starting their own family?

Positive partnerships with parents and carers, with active listening, clear, and respectful speaking. Is okay to ask a fellow parent or a family member for advice or seek parenting help from the Experts? Eventually, you’ll piece together your own parenting techniques and style!

What do you do in your free time as self-care? How do you unwind?

Let’s go of guilt! I will either go to a spa, a good sleep, read a book, do retail therapy, hair salon for hair treatment to make myself look good and feel good, or wine & dine with my hubby or good friends.

What is one thing you are grateful for?

Many things and people I am truly blessed that I have but if really need to pick only one, will be my Supportive and Caring “Husband”.

Mr & Mrs Shane Low

Mr & Mrs Shane Low

In the intricate tapestry of life, there are moments that shimmer with gratitude. For me, that moment of profound appreciation centers around the unwavering presence of my husband, a man who may not always wear his heart on his sleeve but is a rock of support when it truly matters.

While romantic gestures may not define him, his steadfast support and care speak volumes. Through the ups and downs, the triumphs, and the trials, he has been a constant presence by my side. It’s a kind of love that transcends flowers and grand gestures, a love rooted in commitment and strength.

In moments of adversity, when life takes unexpected turns and challenges arise, he is there without hesitation. His quiet strength and unwavering support serve as a beacon of reassurance, reminding me that I’m never alone in this journey.

Connect with Jenny Lee!

Instagram of Jenny Lee, @jennylee_2012

Instagram of Jenny Lee, @jennylee_2012

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennylee_2012

Are you a Parent too?

Connect with us – we’d love to feature you! Say hi to us at hello@theladiescue.com or reach out to us via our social media.

Read More by Founder of The Ladies Cue, Jenny Lee