
According to Straits Times, a study in Hong Kong has shown that our eyes are important route for coronavirus to infect human, in addition to the upper respiratory tract, which includes the nose, mouth and throat. The human conjunctiva, which is the tissue lining on the surface of the eye, is often the source of infection.

Ho Ching Lin, LeniccDr Ho Ching Lin wearing Lenicc  

While wearing masks can protect our nose and mouth, it is not providing any form of eye protection. Hence, spectacles and glasses serve as good barriers to virus particles landing on the eye. The virus is often passed through droplets from an infected person’s cough or sneeze. These droplets can then make their way into another person’s body through their nose, mouth or, in some cases, their eyes. 

Jenny Lee, The Ladies Cue, Lenicc

Jenny wearing Lenicc

Do not under-eye-stimate the importance of your eyes. The Ladies Cue provides 4 tips below on how you can protect the window to your soul and possibly, the gatekeeper of your health.

1. Prioritise Eye Hygiene

Eye care during coronavirus pandemic is an essential. Always be reminded not to rub your eyes. Try to avoid wearing contact lenses because you may have a tendency towards rubbing your eyes when they are dry. If you really need to rub your eyes, sanitise your hands first. You may also consider using moisturising eyedrops. Part of good eye hygiene is keeping your face and glasses clean.

Theresa Toh, LeniccDr Theresa Toh wearing Lenicc
Lenicc Eyewear 

2. Wear Glasses & Sunglasses

Glasses promote some form of social distancing from our hands. To prevent possible exposure of the virus, one of the best ways to protect the eyes is to start wearing glasses and sunglasses. Eyewear allows us to keep our hands off our face, preventing us from rub our eyes. Even though glasses & sunglasses do not provide a full barrier from respiratory droplets, it is better than not having any barrier at all. To slow the spread of coronavirus, guarding your eyes is as important as guarding your mouth, nose, and hands.

Lenicc Eyewear

Wearing a pair of sunglasses is not only a form of eye protection, it is also a fashion statement. This extra protection prevents large splatters or droplets from entering the eyes directly. Sunnies can act as a protective shield and a barrier so you don’t touch your eyes unintentionally. Well-made sunglasses do more than make you look like a movie star now. They can protect you from many problems, which includes the negative effects of the UV rays. Killing two birds with one stone, yeah?

Lenicc Eyewear 

Founder of Lenicc, Grace Ng, started with a simple idea: To make customisation of quality eyewear with that perfect fit to a blissful reality. Their sunglasses are an intersection of personalisation and haute couture, handcrafted with a specially designed raised-fit. As everyone is unique, it is important to suit your style. You can even tailor your shades to match your personality. Made to fit Asian’s facial proportions, Lenicc is here to empower us to express ourselves and radiate the aura that we have always had in us.

Lenicc, Lenicc AROSALenicc AROSA 


3. Disinfect Your Glasses & Sunglasses

Get in the habit of disinfecting your glasses & sunglasses daily, especially right after you reached home from outside. There is a high chance that your glasses could have been exposed to contaminated surfaces. Think of your glasses as you would for your hands and face – Always keep them clean and sanitised!

To keep yourself and your family safe, do not rub your eyewear with your shirt, tissue, toilet paper, or even a microfiber cloth. Always use a form of liquid (mild soap and water or a eyewear cleaner) to clean your glasses. Do note that breathing out onto your lenses is not considered “wetting” them for cleaning !

Jenny Lee, The Ladies Cue, Lenicc

Jenny wearing Lenicc 

4. Prepare a Eye Care Travel Kit

We will remember to load up on Vitamin C, pack our masks and maintain social distancing when travelling. Don’t forget to take care of our eyes while traveling too! Here’s a list of what you can pack to care for your eyes before and during travel.

  • Hand Sanitiser
  • Sunglasses
  • Individually-Wrapped Lens Wipes
  • Moisturizing eye drops
  • Eye Wash Solution
  • Medical Gloves (in case your eyes itch, tear, or get irritated)

LeniccSpecial Promotion!

Due to the overwhelming response on Lenicc x The Ladies Cue Facebook Live, Lenicc is extending the promo code <TLCSGD60OFF> to our readers till the end of May 2020. Shop here now! Prepare yourself before you head out and always stay safe!

This post is sponsored by Lenicc Eyewear.