
Asthma is a common allergic condition that often occurs in children. Although not always, asthma is often linked to genetic reasons. This means that if one of the parents has asthma, the child is more likely to develop it as well. In addition to genetic factors, some external triggers can also play a significant role in the onset of asthma. This can make the asthma recur at any time.

Without proper treatment, asthma can become a chronic condition, thus negatively impacting your child’s quality of life. Therefore, you as the parent need to know what to do and how to manage asthma in your children; be it during acute attacks or for long-term control.

Want to know how to treat your children’s asthma better? Check out the article below!



1. Maintain Clean Air in the House

Clean air is very important to treat recurrent asthma attacks in children. For this reason, it is important to keep the air conditioner or fan which is utilized at your home in a clean condition. To do this, you should perform regular service on your air conditioner and fan, and clean the air vent in your house.



2. Minimize Dust

Another way you can manage asthma assurance in children is by making sure that your house is free from dust. Exposure to dust mites, which are present in dust, is a common allergen that can trigger asthma attacks. 

Thus keeping your house clean and being vigilant about it is a must. Some of the tips that you can do to eliminate dust at home are covering pillows and mattresses with dust-proof covers, regularly changing window curtains, and vacuuming your carpet daily. 

For further protection, you might want to hire professional sofa cleaning services Singapore. As the experts, they can effectively remove dust mites and allergens from furniture including sofas in your home. This can be beneficial for you, as you will be able to create a healthier home environment for your child easily.



3. Avoid Pet Hair

Your fur baby can be a great additional member of your family. But unfortunately, sometimes they can also be the ultimate thing that causes asthma attacks in your child. This is because pet dander, such as cat and dog fur, is a common allergen that can trigger asthma in children. 

Thus, if your child is allergic to pet hair, it’s best to avoid having furry pets around your home. But if you already have one, you should ensure it is well-groomed to minimize shedding. Additionally, you should also make sure that your fur baby is kept out of your child’s room.



4. Avoid Other Triggers

Aside from dust and pet dander, asthma can also be triggered due to lots of things. Such as due to certain types of food, stress, excessive activity, and cold air. Thus, it is important to know each of the asthma triggers that can affect your child. By knowing this information, you will be able to keep them away or get rid of the trigger, so that the asthma attack will not recur. 



5. Stay Calm During the Asthma Attack Occurrence

You need to stay calm when your child suddenly gets an asthma attack. Remember, if you panic, then your child will become even more agitated and this can affect their breathing.

What you should do is to stay calm and reassure your child to help slow their breathing. Additionally, also urge your children to sit up, as lying down can make breathing more difficult. Loosen any tight clothing that they wear, and ensure your children are exposed to good air ventilation. 



6. Use Medication as Directed by the Doctor

Once your child is calm and properly positioned, promptly give them the asthma medication as prescribed by the doctor. Usually, the medication will take effect in around 5-10 minutes. After the symptoms subside, your child can resume their activities but do keep in mind that they should stay away from any tiring activities.

However, if there is no quick improvement even after using the medication, you should immediately take your child to the nearest health facility. Continue providing your child the asthma reliever according to the doctor’s instructions; until medical help arrives and your child is treated by healthcare professionals.


7. Do Regular Check-Ups

Another important method for managing asthma in your children is through regular check-ups with a doctor. Don’t be a parent who only focuses and panics when your child has an asthma attack. Asthma is a chronic disease, thus it requires long-term control and checkups to prevent recurrent attacks.



8. Use a Breathing Aid 

A nebulizer is a device that turns liquid medication into vapor for children to inhale. It is typically used during severe asthma attacks or when a child has difficulty using an inhaler. During severe asthma attacks, when rapid and deep breaths are difficult, a nebulizer ensures that the medication is still delivered effectively to your little one.

By using a nebulizer, you can ensure that your child will receive the necessary medication in a timely and efficient manner, helping to manage and alleviate asthma symptoms more effectively!

Now that you know various ways you can manage asthma in children, hopefully, you can better protect your little one from the triggers. Do keep in mind, it requires constant effort to keep asthma occurrences at bay. Thus you should stay vigilant and proactive in maintaining a healthy environment for your child!


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