As I travelled a couple of times during last few months with my family, I realized that there are 5 travel essentials I cannot live without. I believe many of us will travel during this festive month, let me share with you my top 5 essentials:

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Travel Wallet

I used to not understand why people would need a travel wallet. However, as I travel more, I realized that there are just too many documents that I would require and hence, a travel wallet will ease my worries of losing my documents! Not only that, it keeps everything neat and tidy within one place. Convenience 100%!

Body Wipes

In times of emergency, this is definitely one saviour when you feel you smell funny – the body wipes ! You can use it as and when you want especially when you are having long haul flights. When you experience flight delays, you can use it to keep yourself feeling fresh and clean.

Portable Charger + Travel Adapter

I can’t live without this, feeling insecure of not being able to capture the happy moments during my trip. And not being able to charge my devices is a big no-no for me. So having both portable charger and travel adapter, I feel more secure than have 10 pads in my bag!


Pocket WIFI Device

Stay connected everywhere you go with a portable WIFI device from Roaming Man! It is definitely handy when you google for your next location, or to get transport to the next destination. Save the hassle of changing your SIM card to a local SIM card and have the risk of losing your own SIM card. With Roaming Man portable WIFI device, just switch on and you can stay connected with unlimited WIFI. You also no longer have to worry if you will exceed your roaming data limit!

Noise Cancelling Earphones / Headphones

It is inevitable if you meet crying babies or noisy passengers onboard. There may be lots of screaming, crying or shouting, but with noise cancelling earphones/headphones, you can be in your own world without feeling disturbed by these noise. Say yay to better sleep onboard!
Why make yourself stressed up when you are supposed to enjoy and relax during your travels? With these travel essentials, you can reduce a lot of unnecessary pressure on yourself!
P.S. Head over to The Ladies Cue Instagram to find out how you can win yourself a 10-days free WiFi rental from Roamingman!