
Everyone enters this beautiful world with a diverse background and culture that shapes us into who we are today. It inevitably shapes and affects our behaviour and perception of things that concern us. It is an undeniable fact especially when it comes to long standing myths, which often reflect the values and identities passed down through generations. In this article, we’ll explore common pregnancy myths and uncover the facts behind them, shedding light on how cultural beliefs compare to scientific understanding.



Top 10 Pregnancy Myths and Facts by The Babies Cue

Top 10 Pregnancy Myths and Facts by The Babies Cue



Here are some myths of pregnancy we heard from our parenthood communities:



1. You need to eat more now because you’re eating for two! 


Facts: How much your pregnancy body needs depends on how far along you are in your pregnancy. Generally, you need an extra 300-450 calories per day, usually in the later part of pregnancy. This amount is almost like a cup of milk or a cup of fruit smoothies. The key to a healthy pregnancy lies behind a healthy balanced diet! Excessive weight gain during pregnancy does increase the risk of diabetics, hypertension and possibly the need for C-section.



2. You’ll only have Morning Sickness in the morning  


Facts: Differs as to how the term ‘morning’ reflects here, you may experience it at any time of the day. This is basically due to the changes in your hormones and every woman reacts differently to it. Some experience it only in the early trimester, and some may experience it throughout their pregnancy journey. There are also some who do not experience any morning sickness at all!



3. You can’t exercise when you are pregnant


Facts: Keeping yourself physically active is healthy for your pregnancy when there are no complications involved. Light exercises such as walking, prenatal yoga or pilates can actually be beneficial to help your body cope with the pelvic pain that may occur in the later part of pregnancy. Keeping yourself active in a safe manner does help you to push the baby out during labour as well! Should you have any concerns, please consult your Gynae first and remember safety first! Listen to your body signals. 



Top 10 Pregnancy Myths and Facts by The Babies Cue

Top 10 Pregnancy Myths and Facts by The Babies Cue



4. Avoid usage of ropes because umbilical cords will be tangled around the baby’s neck. 


Facts: While unfortunately there are incidents of babies having their umbilical cords wrapped around the baby’s neck, there are no scientific findings that the usage of ropes leads to this. 

Some other myths are you can’t raise your hands above the head as it causes this too. 

According to scientific findings here, most babies are born with umbilical cords around their neck during birth and it rarely causes harm to the baby. 



5. Hammering of nails causes birth defects 


Facts: Personally, this is the most common myth I’ve heard when I was pregnant. It was said that hammering or repainting your house can cause babies to be born with birthmarks or disfigured. It is a fact to minimise latex paint that contains chemicals ethylene glycol and biocides. It is advisable to avoid heavy weight lifting and avoid activities that may potentially cause a fall.



6. Do not reveal pregnancy news in the First Trimester because it causes miscarriage.


Facts:  MIscarriage is devastating and often happens in the first trimester of pregnancy. There are cases where it happens before one knows she is pregnant. According to Medical News Today, there is a small percentage chance of miscarriage in the first trimester. It can be due to genetic or other reasons. Unfortunately, sometimes such incidents may happen with no known causes. Whether you talk about it does not affect the chances of miscarriage here. What’s important here is to have regular check up with your Gynae to consult professional advises on the best way to protect your baby.  



7. You can’t use scissors or needles on the bed because a baby will be born with cleft lips.


Facts: There is no scientific evidence that sewing or cutting causes babies to be born with cleft lips.  So mummies, don’t need to worry too much about myths.



8. You can’t have pet animals during pregnancy. 


Facts: Having your fur babies can be really comforting! However it does depend on the sizes and what fur babies you have. Most will be concerned with dogs and cats as they may get excited during play sessions with you. Pregnant women do need to watch out for incidents where your fur babies may jump on your belly which may cause injury. 

Extra precaution may be needed if you’re a cat lover.  The faeces of cats contain bacteria named toxoplasmosis which may cause infection that leads to serious complications on the foetus. Having someone take care of the litter box and practice hygiene diligently by washing hands after playing with your cats is advisable.



Top 10 Pregnancy Myths and Facts by The Babies Cue

Voice of The Babies Cue, Aziel Khoo, Mummy of Asher has been around dogs during her pregnancy. Asher has a love for dogs now too!



9. Babies from Vaginal births are always better intellectually than Caesarean births. 


Facts: The fact is, Vaginal birth and Caesarean birth have their pros and cons here. The benefits of vaginal birth include less risk of infection and postpartum pain. However, in some cases such as the breech position of a baby, a large size baby or even other medical complications will make Caesarean a better choice for the safety of both mom and baby.  The cognitive development of babies is not affected by the type of birth here. 



10. Avoid sexual intercourse now because it will hurt your baby


Facts: It is perfectly fine to enjoy an intimate session with your spouse in an uncomplicated pregnancy. The uterus muscles and amniotic sac protect your baby well. Unless advised by your Gynae to avoid sexual intercourse, otherwise, it is fine to enjoy it. However, some women may experience false contractions after an orgasm. Do take note that if bleeding is observed after intercourse, consulting your Gynae is advisable. 



Top 10 Pregnancy Myths and Facts by The Babies Cue

Happy Mommy, Happy baby!



Keep in mind that although we may grow up around myths, it is important not to let them affect our emotional health too. A healthy and happy mom is always beneficial for the growing foetus. A balanced diet and adopting healthy lifestyle choices are the key to keeping your pregnancy journey a better one. After all, Happy Mom, happy baby! 



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Read More by Voice of The Ladies Cue, Aziel Khoo