
In this special column named ‘The Babies Cue x Parenthood Series’ we will be showcasing the incredible stories of parents within our community. Get an exclusive glimpse into their parenting philosophies and daily routines.

Believe in the strength of the community. During those challenging moments when you feel overwhelmed or unsure, you can always rely on your fellow parents. You can seek motivation from their experiences and share your own inspiring tales to uplift others within the community.

Meet Justin Tan (A Father of 2 Children)

TBC x Parenthood Series: Justin Tan & His Children

Parent Justin Tan, His Wife & His Children

Tell us a little about yourself. 

My health and lifestyle company Perfect Nature was created because as an engineer, husband, father, and compulsive problem solver, I wanted to use my knowledge and expertise to come up with solutions that empower parents to have more time and freedom to do the things they love and spend quality time with their families.

I think people would be surprised to learn that the creators of the Snuugo Smart Wearable breast pump product are two guys and two lazy guys at that. But as the saying goes, laziness is the father of innovation. When we first began parenthood, one of the biggest hurdles was helping our wives with breastfeeding. Since we don’t own any active mammary glands, the least we could do was to help with the washing, charging, and storing, of the pumps and bottles. That’s when we were inspired to go on this journey to help more moms in similar situations.

How many children do you have? What are his/her/their names?

We have 2 kids, Daniel, 4 years old, and Alexis, 1 year old. We spent countless hours debating on this and finally, we agreed on 3 shortlisted names for each kid and will decide when they are born after looking at their faces! Thank god we were in agreement after they were born.

Why did you decide to have your child/children? How did you think having children would affect your life?

We both loved playing and interacting with children even before we were married. The decision to have children wasn’t something we really had a deep discussion on but both of us I guess had the same mutual feeling. We got married in 2017 and after 1 year plus of honeymoon, we were blessed with the news of my wife being pregnant with our first kid.

To be honest I didn’t give it much thought, you need to be there and soak in the experience and take curveballs any time of the day because every child is different. Parenting has its ups and downs but overall I think that it definitely has a positive effect on my life and I will always cherish every single moment I spend with my family.

TBC x Parenthood Series: Justin Tan & His Children

Parents Justin Tan, Wife & His Children

Describe your knowledge and/or experiences with children prior to becoming a parent. Did you prepare for parenting? If so, how did you prepare?

I have no prior knowledge or experience with babies/children, I have always enjoyed interacting with my nephews and nieces, especially during the Lunar New Year get-togethers.

To be honest I would say that no amount of preparation is enough for parenthood. For a start, you can prepare all the required items that the baby will use and go for workshops to better understand how to care for a baby after they are born. Mental preparation is also equally important and that’s something you will get to experience when you are present in parenting.

How and where did you learn about pregnancy and childbirth? Were your expectations and knowledge of the prenatal and birth period accurate? 

My wife and I attended an antenatal workshop session by a reputable educator. I went there with no expectations only to learn and absorb as much as I could within that 6-hour session. It was a very informative and fulfilling session for everyone, especially new parents-to-be. The baby arrived 3 months after we attended the class and we both were joking about how we went to the class too early and most of what we learned was forgotten due to lack of practice.

What has been the most meaningful part of parenting for you?

The most meaningful part of parenting for me is to see my kids grow up healthily, to communicate with them every day, and to see the subtle changes in their behavior and communication is the greatest and most meaningful part of parenting.

TBC x Parenthood Series: Justin Tan & His Children

Parent Justin Tan & Family

What had been the most difficult part of parenting for you?

When I had my first kid, the most difficult part of parenting for me was having the thought that I needed to be there for the child every single minute. If I am not there, I have the mental guilt that I am not responsible, and what if something happens to them. However, I have learned that parents also need some time on their own, to decompress and do anything that you want to do without having that thought in their head, set aside some time during the week to do that.

Who inspires you to become a better parent?

My partner inspires me to be a better parent and a better person. Being a better parent doesn’t just come about or is a one day thing. It has to be a constant action every day, some days I lose it and become someone I dislike in front of the kids but at the end of the day she will always let me know how I can be better.

What is your personal motto?

Live to fight another day haha parenting is a marathon not a race always remember to pace yourself and take time off for self-care!

Do you have any word of advice for other parents who are starting their own families?

Firstly I would encourage that they enjoy their time as a couple and check off goals that they want to do as a couple. Secondly, to better prepare themselves to start their own family they can discuss their views on parenting and attend antenatal workshops.

What do you do in your free time as self care? How do you unwind?

I enjoy having meals with friends and catching up to find out how they are doing and laughing over silly times we had. I think socializing and conversations really help me to unwind from work and parenthood.

What is one thing you are grateful for?

I am really grateful to my wife, without her none of these would have been possible and her constant sacrifice for the family.

Connect with Justin Tan!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/snuugo/

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