Have you been feeling weary, regardless the amount of sleep and rest you have gotten? Is your appetite poor for no obvious reason? Have you been experiencing aches but you can’t seem to pinpoint what was wrong? Or do you feel nervous or irritable throughout the day? You could be experiencing sub-optimal health, which is the intermediate status between disease and health.

Signs of Sub-Optimal Health

Do you have any of these symptoms?

  • I am constantly nervous or anxious
  • I get easily agitated and small things upset me
  • I tend to be forgetful
  • I get easily distracted
  • I dont’t feel like going out on my days off
  • I dislike and avoid contact with people
  • I find it difficult to fall asleep or often wake up in the middle of the night
  • I feel exhausted when I wake up
  • I sleep less than 5 hours on average
  • I find it difficult to get out of bed in the mornings
  • I still feel tired after a nap
  • I often regret my decisions
  • I have no appetite for at least 2 days in the past week
  • I tend to overeat
  • I often get indigestion or feel bloated
  • I often feel lethargic
  • I often feel cold
  • My stools are hard and dry
  • I have bad breath / dry mouth / dry cough / phlegm
  • I constantly feel unwell or uncomfortable

What causes Sub-Optimal Health?

Here are some factors leading to sub-optimal health, which you can take note of.

Feeling Tired Constantly

Chronic fatigue can affect the major organs in the body. If untreated over a long period of time, it affects your overall immunity as well.

Psychological Imbalance

Over-thinking and stress can lead to poor sleep, nightmares and endocrine disorders.

Poor Nutrition

A high-calorie intake and inconsistent mealtime can lead to body dysfunction.

Environmental Factors

Being in a noisy, air-conditioned or enclosed space, coupled with pollution and exposure to toxic substances, can affect your body’s function at the cellular level.

Other Factors

Lack of sleep, lack of exercise or exercising in the wrong way, and indiscriminate uses of medications and drugs can disrupt the body’s normal function.
Many of the factors above are linked to your lifestyle habits, which can be damaging to your health in the long run. Start taking care of your body so as to lower the risk of chronic diseases as you age.

To keep sub-optimal health at bay, you should:

  • Maintain a balanced diet. Eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, and fish.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Have adequate amount of quality rest.
  • Speak to someone when you are feeling stressed.
  • Talk to a qualified and experienced TCM expert on sub-health when in need.
Prevention is better than cure. Take care, everyone!
Source: Body SOS Health