
The Brand


Subway® is the world’s largest quick service restaurant brand, well known for their freshest go-to sandwiches that comes with a selection of different buns or wraps, delicious and comforting proteins and lots of greens with a wide selection of sauces to top it off. Their cookies are homemade and always a welcoming sight to compliment with their sandwiches. I will visit them once every fortnight just to satisfy my craving for some delectable sandwiches. But sometimes, I just wanted to eat less carb. So, I’m so glad that they are introducing the Subway® Energy Bowls into their menu.  



The Energy Bowls


The Energy Bowls are a healthy salad equivalent that comes with a generous amount of greens and substantial protein to balance up the diet and yet give the energy you need. Each portion comes with a deep-dish paper bowl with their signature logo on it where the ingredients are filled almost to the brim. The packaging is chic and convenient. You can carry it easily without worrying about spilling and eat it anywhere at your convenience. The portion is generous and filling.

There are three types of Energy Bowls for you to choose from.



Stay Energetic with Subway's Energy Bowl

Avo Caesar Chicken Energy Bowl



The Avo Caesar Chicken Energy Bowl comes with tender Roasted Chicken Thigh (yeah!! It’s thigh meat), Avocado, Cauliflower Rice (the current trend of eating ‘rice’), Mixed Greens, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Sweet Corn, Caramelized Onions and Caesar Salad. Mixed them well and enjoy every mouthful of wholesome goodness. Each bowl is approximately 400g and has 380 calories and 20g protein per serving. Pretty decent for those who are watching their diet.



Stay Energetic with Subway's Energy Bowl

 Spicy Beef Taco Energy Bowl  



The Spicy Beef Taco Energy Bowl comes with Spicy Beef Taco (Think Chilli Corn Carne), Cauliflower Rice, Diced Mushrooms, Mixed Greens, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Sweet Corn, Olives, Caramelized Onions, and Chipotle Southwest Sauce. This combination gives a Mexican fiesta vibe with spices and freshness of the vegetables giving it a good crunch and munch. This bowl is approximately 350g and only 285 calories!! You can easily top up a cookie or chips to complete the meal!



Stay Energetic with Subway's Energy Bowl

 Falafel Energy Bowl



For those who don’t really eat meat, you are not forgotten. Falafel Energy Bowl will be an excellent option. Like the previous bowls mentioned, it consists of the standard base such as Cauliflower Rice, Avocado, Mixed Greens, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Green Peppers, Sweet Corn, and Diced Mushrooms with three large pieces of Falafel and Ranch Sauce. Surprisingly, this could be my favourite energy bowl! The Falafel blended well with spices and herbs, and fried to golden brown. They are soft and full of flavour that goes really well with the salad. At close to 400g, it’s approximately 400 calories for each serving. Any meal that is 400 calories and below is worth the take. 





Each portion is just 400 calories or less, ensuring you won’t feel bloated from overeating. In fact, with the right amount of protein, you’ll feel satisfied without experiencing hunger pangs. This is perfect for those watching their weight, on the go, or simply wanting a light meal. Another alternative for you is to visit Subway.



Where to get them



Stay Energetic with Subway's Energy Bowl

Stay Energetic with Subway’s Energy Bowl



The Energy Bowls are now available in all Subway® outlets in Singapore. Each bowl is priced at just SGD10.50, or upgrade to a combo meal for SGD12.50, which includes refreshing Zico Coconut Water.

If you are too busy to visit their shops, you can always have them delivered to your doorsteps.


Each exercise has three intensities. The first intensity is a piece of cake. Anyone who participates will definitely be able to achieve it without a sweat. Second intensity will need a little bit of effort in order to achieve it and the third intensity, which is the hardest, not everyone is able to hit that target. All in all, each exercise is timed 30 seconds to complete to win the stamps. It was fun and definitely worth burning the calories to enjoy the energy bowl.

Remember, health is wealth and love your life.          


Website: https://subwayisfresh.com.sg/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/subway.singapore



Read More by Voice of The Ladies Cue, Veronica Chia