
Believe in the power of community. On some days when you feel big goals are impossible, or when you feel like giving up, you need to lean on your like-minded community. You can even “borrow” motivation, and in turn “return” with your own inspiring stories to pay it forward.

In this special column called the “TLC x Fempreneurs Series”, we will be featuring inspiring Female Entrepreneurs (Fempreneurs) in short. You will be able to have a sneak peek at their mindsets and their daily habits.

Meet Race Wong (Ohmyhome)

Tell us a little about yourself.

I’m Race Wong, the Chief Product Officer (CPO) of Ohmyhome. Together with my sister, Rhonda, we co-founded the company and I am currently managing the day-to-day activities including product-related activities, technology development, and customer relations. Ohmyhome is Singapore’s first full-stacked property transaction platform. We provide a one-stop-shop for buying, selling and renting properties along with all other property related services including agent services, mortgage consultancy, legal conveyancing, as well as peripheral services such as renovation, painting and handyman.

What got you started on your business? 

We first started Ohmyhome to create solutions that could revolutionize the entire housing transaction experience, to provide people with a platform and services that are simple, fast and affordable. By leveraging on advanced technology capabilities and our team’s dedication to providing exceptional service to our customers, Ohmyhome provides seamless end-to-end housing solutions for all, allowing our customers to not only DIY their housing transactions but also opt to engage Ohmyhome’s in-house agents at a fixed rate for their entire housing journey. To date, Ohmyhome is trusted by our users with outstanding customer satisfaction, garnering over 4,000 5-star reviews.

Before you started on your business, what did you do on a full time basis?

I used to be a Cantopop singer in Hong Kong with my elder sister Rosanne (who still lives in Hong Kong). I appreciated the experience I’ve garnered and the fans who have always supported me, but I knew it wasn’t a lifelong career that I would want to pursue.

After leaving the industry, I joined Maybank Kim Eng in Hong Kong as a marketing manager and subsequently grew into equity sales while studying for my MBA at the same time. Back in Singapore, I continued to hone my expertise in marketing when I worked with Rhonda on Anthill Realtors, and played a key role in business expansion and biz dev. This led us to founding Ohmyhome as we wanted to provide a comprehensive housing solution, one that everyone could trust to deliver quality services.

What were some difficulties you faced in your life and how did you overcome them?

I spent my entire twenties in Hong Kong and a career in entertainment has taught me lots. Back then, there were no social media, so the rise and fall of a celebrity lies in the pens of the journalists. Very often, I felt completely defenceless when the press created fake negative news about myself. Over time, I’ve learned to build resilience and my own self confidence and ignore the voices out there. It doesn’t matter if others say you can or cannot make it. The only one that matters is myself. I went on to have a successful career and won numerous awards.

The other thing I learned is to build something for others and not myself. A business with longevity, thus the creation of Ohmyhome, a property platform. Property because it is the most expensive asset class and the most important one that can create value for others instead of myself. The difficulties and challenges of trying to make a name for yourself or building a business with a team are comparable. And when the going gets tough, it keeps me going when I know I’m building something to benefit others and not my own popularity.

Who inspires you?

Like children, it really takes a village to grow a technology company, and this ‘village’ is my amazing team members who have fought side by side with Rhonda and I. I often tell my teammates that our relationship goes both ways. As smart and motivated individuals, they often bring solutions to the table which often surprises me, not just on the work front but as humans.

We have had many difficult situations and when I speak to them individually, their reactions reflect who they are as a person. Very often, I see them step up and put the team above themselves and that really touches me and motivates me to be a better leader. I can continue growing Ohmyhome knowing that they have my back. I’m proud that my team and I have made buying, selling and renting of homes much easier and that we are making a difference in a family at a time.

What excites you most about your industry?

The more I learn about the property industry, the more I find that many people involved do not have the full idea of how important their role is. I like to study the buildings and landscape. Over the years working with developers, I know that most of them mainly care about profits and how to better sell their property. Sometimes, they trade profits for quality and aesthetics. Sadly, they don’t seem to realise that a building exists for decades and an ugly project scars our neighbourhood. So, the exciting thing about my industry is that there is just so much to improve on and I hope to do that one step at a time. Now that we are taking care of our customer’s entire real estate needs, someday, we hope to influence how buildings are built.

What is your vision / personal motto? 

Every other day I hear or read about global banks and companies cutting corners to achieve top line growth, gender inequality and racism tolerated in extremely successful companies. It really disgusts me. We have always prided ourselves to run our company fairly, ethically and responsibly. I hope that one day when we are extremely successful, we set an example to others running their business that it can be done in the right way. That we do not need to trade profits for ethics or growth by stepping on others.

Our jobs, marriage and friendships have a direct impact on our well-being. I don’t believe that a person can be truly happy if that someone hates his job but stays just for the salary. That directly affects his relationship with his family and friends.

My vision is to make the world a kinder place.

Do you have any word of advice for other ladies who are starting their business / starting to pursue their dream?

Believe in yourself and don’t be bothered about gender. If something needs to be done, just get it done. So don’t let being female be a reason or excuse to not excel. Read and research extensively on your area of work and never give up.

How do you think you can help ladies to feel confident and empowered?

I believe that a lot of women are stronger and more capable than they think they are. However, women tend to be less confident than men in general. If you really have a goal in mind, don’t go around searching for someone to tell you not to do it. Surround yourself with a positive support system that encourages you to achieve your dreams. Distance yourself from people whom you know will bring you down and focus on what you want to do. Don’t count on anyone else but yourself. Do things one step at a time and stop worrying about whether or not you will succeed or fail. Good and bad experiences are what make us more confident each day.

What have you learnt recently that you hope the other ladies can take back?

With COVID-19, digitalisation is forced upon everyone which means that the world is moving towards the digitalised world faster than anticipated. To keep up with the world, we have to continuously up-skill, otherwise one could lag too far behind to catch up.

What is one thing you are grateful for? 

I am definitely grateful for my parents and husband. They have been instrumental in making our lives so much ‘easier’ as we can rely on them to look after our children, count on them for business advice and the trust that they will always be supportive. I can’t emphasize enough how important a supportive ecosystem is. Without harmony at home, I know I wouldn’t be 100% efficient at work.

What do you do in your free time as self care? How do you unwind? 

I look forward to seeing my daughter, Cara. It makes me happy the moment I see or think about my daughter. Seeing the joy in her eyes never fails to lift my spirits. When I’m all alone, I love playing the piano. It takes my mind off whatever was in there.

Let us know more about what you do!

Ohmyhome is Singapore’s first full-stacked property transaction platform. We provide a one-stop-shop for buying, selling and renting properties along with all other property related services including agent services, mortgage consultancy, legal conveyancing, as well as peripheral services such as renovation, painting and handyman.

You may find us featured on Channel News Asia, The Straits Times, The Business Times, Lianhe Zaobao, Harper’s BAZAAR, Pin Prestige, The Singapore Women’s Weekly, Yahoo, Asia One, Business Insider Singapore, Vulcan Post Singapore and Human Resources Online Singapore.

Connect with Ohmyhome!

Website: www.omh.sg
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ohmyhomesg
Instagram: www.instagram.com/ohmyhomeglobal
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/ohmyhome
Address: 11 Lorong 3 Toa Payoh, Jackson Square Proptech Innovation Centre Block B, #04-17, 319579

Are you a Fempreneur too?

Connect with us – we’d love to feature you! Say hi to us at hello@theladiescue.com or reach out to us via our social media.

Read TLC x Fempreneur Series:

The rest of the Fempreneur interviews can be found here.