
Believe in the power of community. On some days when you feel big goals are impossible, or when you feel like giving up, you need to lean on your like-minded community. You can even “borrow” motivation, and in turn “return” with your own inspiring stories to pay it forward.

In this special column called the “TLC x Fempreneurs Series”, we will be featuring inspiring Female Entrepreneurs (Fempreneurs) in short. You will be able to have a sneak peek at their mindsets and their daily habits.

Meet Merlyn Yip (Optimal Wellness)

Tell us a little about yourself.

Hi, I am Merlyn Yip, the founder of Optimal Wellness under the group of Optimal Preventive Healthcare Pte Ltd. We are a holistic one-stop center for integrated healthcare and wellness indulgence through natural therapies to rejuvenate, detoxify, and bring your body back into balance inside out and outside in. We believe in harmonizing your body, mind, and spirit (a prized state known as “homeostasis”). A system of innovative integration of renowned traditional therapies and the latest in integrative medicines and all-natural treatments is used exclusively at our centre.

Our natural therapies stimulate your body’s inherent wisdom to self-heal.

I am happily married and a mother of 4 handsome princes. One of the things I enjoy is empowering women to unleash their health through natural therapies and a well-balanced lifestyle.

I was awarded as the Aquamarine Queen of Substance 2018 and was crowned as the Lumiere Mrs. Asia Pacific Tourism Ambassador Queen 2019.

What got you started on your business? 

I started this business because of my grandmother’s unfortunate diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Seeing my grandmother suffer from pain on her deathbed, I was then inspired to go through natural therapy, knowing that western medicine is limited in its restoration effects but not to treat the root cause of the problems.

The first Optimal Wellness retail outlet conveniently located in the central district of Singapore at Victoria Street was then started in 2013 in order to reach out to more people to rebalance their health inside out and outside in.

Before you started on your business, what did you do on a full time basis?

I am a chemist, with my vast knowledge and networks, I started my entrepreneur journey in 1996 when I was 31 years old as a trading company of cosmetics ingredients. After 4 dedicated years, I branched out in working with laboratories and manufacturers from Italy, France, Germany, and Spain to supply aesthetics and skincare products to aesthetics clinics, beauty salons, and medical spas.

In 2006, I opened my 1st aesthetic clinic but was closed after 2 years due to the strict regulations. In 2009, I had a partnership to establish a wellness center but failed. I suffered a hit in my business ventures. However, with the motto of ” Never Stop Learning”, I switched my profession to holistic health in 2012. I picked up more skills techniques in the TCM and holistic treatments from Singapore and Taiwan. In 2013 we established Optimal Wellness, a renowned homegrown Holistic Health Clinic.

What were some difficulties you faced in your life and how did you overcome them?

I failed my business ventures and lost a huge sum of money. However, I did not give up and plucked up my courage to stand up again to build my business. I kept doing reflections on how I can be a better version of myself to improve my business.

I’m thankful that I have strong family support who takes care of my children.

Who inspires you?

My hubby who is my pillar of strength that inspires me. Without him, I would not be where I am today. He has always supported me in my decisions and reminded me constantly to stand for what I believe in.

What excites you most about your industry?

What excites me is that my team and I help customers to regain their health and confidence. I am very happy to see good results achieved from my customers after the treatments.

What is your vision / personal motto? 

To educate and inspire wellbeing every day in your mind and soul.

To rejuvenate, detoxify, and bring your body back into balance inside out and outside in through natural therapies.

Do you have any word of advice for other ladies who are starting their business / starting to pursue their dream?

Surround yourself with people who empower you to become better.

Live your life and forget your age.

We women stand united and empower more women out there to be more confident, independent, happier, and there is nothing to be fearful of. From there, we feel and see the glow from within out like a diamond!

Learn how to brand yourself as an expert. When people like you, they listen to you, they trust you, they do business with you, branding yourself is the most valuable investment you must have. Every interaction is a branding of yourself.

How do you think you can help ladies to feel confident and empowered?

Be the change that you want to see in the World. Never give up trying and doing what you really want to do.

What have you learned recently that you hope the other ladies can take back?

Dare to be bold and step out of your comfort zone. Stepping outside of your comfort zone is a type of fear that should be embraced. Overcome this fear and you can overcome anything!

What is one thing you are grateful for? 

I’m most grateful to have a supportive and lovely family. My parents and husband are always supportive of my decisions and often lend me a helping hand in raising my sons. My husband also supports me in helping me to run the business.

What do you do in your free time as self-care? How do you unwind? 

I will do my Gardening. Whenever I see my flowers bloom and my vegetables are ready to harvest, I am very elated. Of course, I will spend some quality time with my family by going out for a swim or meal over the weekends.

Let us know more about what you do!

I help men and women with health concerns to re-balance their health through natural therapies in order to regain inner health and outer radiance.

Connect with Optimal Wellness!

Facebook: www.facebook.com/optimalwellnesssg/

Are you a Fempreneur too?

Connect with us – we’d love to feature you! Say hi to us at hello@theladiescue.com or reach out to us via our social media.

Read TLC x Fempreneur Series:

The rest of the Fempreneur interviews can be found here.