
If you’re a keen follower of MomBoss Academy and you may have heard bits and pieces of how I started in business and got to where I am today. And you would know that I’m living proof that one can generate extra income from your hobby without having a physical office or giving up your full-time job. 

Here’s how it all started.

After striking out on my own at a young age, I plunged into the world of entertainment and entrepreneurship and I won’t lie, I had a rather tough time. I had the unfortunate opportunity to meet some super shady people along the way (ew), and not all of my business ideas worked. 

Then motherhood came.

I can remember it like yesterday. My 5-hour old newborn, Lauren’s tiny eyes were looking up at me as an SMS came from one of my team members. She could not make it to work today. It happens every often in the F&B industry. Someone can’t come in and I’d go down and help out at one of my soup and salad bar outlets. No biggie.

Only this time, I had just given birth. I can’t leave my baby like that. I can’t imagine leaving my baby to go to work, my priority had shifted. I’m a mother and I need to be there for my baby, to protect her.

So I quit my business and became a full-time housewife. ‘I love spending time with my family,’ I thought, ‘I want to watch my kids grow up.’

But when you’re at home 24/7 watching your kids, you find that they actually grow up reaaaaally slowly and boredom creeps in. 

Also, the fact that I was 100% reliant on my husband financially did not sit well with me. It was then that I decided that I couldn’t go on living like this, I had to make a change. 

Since when does motherhood dictate that we, as mums, should have to put our dreams and aspirations on the shelf?

Back then, I didn’t have a coach. All I had was my grit, my goals, and the desperate need to prove everyone wrong that I COULD strike out on my own and I could strike it big. 

Strike it big I did.

I started The Chill Mom, a tiny little blog where I hunkered down and tinkered out thoughts and plans and ideas. And to my wonder, people started discovering my little corner of the internet and began asking for more. That’s when the process started – from a side-hustle to a 6-figure business.

Today, my blog has earned me more than half a million-dollar income. It has spawned multiple businesses and I couldn’t be happier. 

Michelle Hon MomBoss Academy

Now you must be asking, how did you do it? 

As the Chinese saying goes “a newborn ox is not afraid of a lion”. I was a complete greenhorn when I first started. I didn’t know that the entrepreneurship world was scary, I didn’t know what to be afraid of, and I didn’t even know when danger was staring me in the face. I was bold and unafraid and this unseemly courage carried me through most of the journey from then till now.

This isn’t to say that my experience was obstacle-free. I did encounter my fair share of trials but I struggled and thankfully, I made it. 

But it doesn’t have to be that way for you. 

Now that I’ve reached the high ground on the other side, I’m committed to helping YOU get to where I am. 

Here at MomBoss Academy, we believe that good things must be shared, and I really really really want to help you rediscover your goals and make them come to fruition. 

This is why I’ll be hosting a 3 Secrets To A 100K Business From Home Webinar, where I’ll be teaching you what to focus on and how to quickstart the process of launching your own business from home. If you’re looking for the easiest, quickest way to get your business up and running and the cheques incoming, this is it.

Sign up here and let me help you make your dreams come true. Just call me Fairy Godmother! 😄