
Discovering that you’re pregnant is a moment filled with joy and excitement, but pregnancy also ushers in a wave of new responsibilities and concerns. As you embark on this incredible journey of nurturing a new life, it’s natural to wonder how to provide the best care for your changing body and ensure both you and your baby remain healthy. Balancing your daily routine with the right practices can make a significant difference in your well-being and your baby’s development.

Our community here at The Babies Cue is here to share with you what our Parenting Community practices during their pregnancy journey to keep them healthy both physically and mentally as they navigate this transformative time with confidence and care.



Healthy Habits to Practice During Your Pregnancy

Aziel Khoo, Voice of The Babies Cue, at 5 months pregnant



In this article, we actually had a short interview with some mommies from our community to find out what they did during their pregnancy journey to keep them physically and emotionally healthy! We have summed up a few pointers here!



1. Embrace your signs of Pregnancy


We are made unique and our body reacts differently to every pregnancy as well. The most common sign is “Morning Sickness”. While it can occur at any time of the day, it happens usually at the early stage of pregnancy. However, it is also common for some mummies to not experience “morning sickness” at all. 

My personal experience was I was not aware that I was pregnant at all as I completely do not experience any “morning sickness”. I was still physically active and doing my usual sports with no signs of fatigue. If you’re wondering how I ended up realising after that, I did not. It was my husband’s suspicion that made me realise he missed my monthly cycle then which was not a norm for me as I’m pretty regular. So I went to take a pregnancy test and confirm with the doctor thereafter. 

Most mommies shared that they feel fatigued easily during this period even at an early stage of pregnancy. It is advisable to listen to your body signals! Rest when you need to! Nothing matters more than keeping your body healthy for your little baby! You may also find breast tenderness and enlargements during this period as well. Please remember that every pregnancy journey is unique, embrace the signs and stay calm!



2. Your Emotions matter!


Our body is dealing with great changes and the hormones changing in our body bring heightened emotions as well, both positive and negative. Moon swings are common during this period and it is important to pay attention to your emotional well-being here. As the saying goes, “Happy Mom, Happy Baby”,  it is advisable to practice habits that uplift your emotions positively. Take a walk, practice deep breathing, and simply do things that make you happy! 

Attending pregnancy seminars, and maternity workshops can help you to have a better understanding of how to care for yourself and your baby at this stage. As shared by one of our mommies, “Stay chill and enjoy the process” – Sabrina. 

Too much stress and overwhelming emotions can cause headaches, loss of appetite, and experience trouble sleeping. These may impact you and your growing baby, so mummies, your emotions matter. Practice safe and stress-relieving activities to keep your baby happy with you!



Healthy Habits to Practice During Your Pregnancy

Despite an unplanned pregnancy, it turns out to be the most amazing gift for us



3. Practice a Healthy Diet!


As cliche as it sounds, our diet does matter more. A misconception that many may have during pregnancy is that you need to eat more for your growing baby because “you’re eating for two now”. 

Eating well is NOT equivalent to eating more. While a pregnant woman may need an extra 300 calories per day, that usually happens in the later part of your pregnancy for your fast-growing baby. While 300 calories sounds a lot, it is simply equivalent to just a cup of milk. Your doctor will prescribe you folic acid which is important as studies have shown that it will greatly reduce the risk of neural tube defects. While it is ok to indulge in sweets and cravings occasionally, do choose whole food instead of processed food. Go for fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, low-fat dairy, and healthy fats!



4. Stay Away from Alcohol and Smoke


Smoke and Alcohol are a strict ‘No’ when you’re pregnant. Any beverages that contain alcohol or illegal drugs can potentially cause harm to your unborn child. It is scientifically proven that it increases the chances of premature birth, miscarriage, and even untreatable physical and mental disability for your unborn child. If any moms are struggling in this area, do seek Professional help and support to help you go through this journey. 

One of the help and support you may get from is National Addictions Management Services (NAMS). You need not be alone Mommies!



5. Staying Active Helps!


While many of us may be concerned about physical movements during pregnancy, it is actually beneficial for mommies to stay active during this pregnancy journey when approved by your Gynae. We are still talking about safety as a priority, so do seek advice and approval from your Gynae for Doctor-approved exercises! 

There are many prenatal classes such as Yoga, Pilates, and Barre work which are great to help mommies work with their changing bodies at different stages of pregnancy. 

Do seek consultation and approval from your gynae first! Remember, safety is still the number 1 priority!



Healthy Habits to Practice During Your Pregnancy

Prenatal and doctor-approved workouts are actually doing you good Mommies!



6. Understanding Pregnancy Truths and Myths


I’m sure folk myths are exposed to us no matter where we grew up from. Though it may have shaped us in some ways, it is also advisable not to stress too much into myths.   As shared by one of our mommies named Janice,  “Don’t need to worry so much about folk myths. Maintaining a happy mood and a balanced diet” is the most important practice for her during pregnancy. We will be having another article to talk about pregnancy myths and facts! Stay tuned!



Healthy Habits to Practice During Your Pregnancy

Janice and her Family



At the end of the day. The number 1 rule is always prioritising self-care and safety here. If in doubt, don’t hesitate to reach out for help and consult professional advice!

The Babies Cue is a safe place that we build for our mommies and daddies to help you all through this journey together. A good support community can be inspiring and help you to be a better self for your little one and family. Know that you are not alone in this journey! We welcome all parents, mummies, and daddies to join the community by following us on social media platforms!



Website: www.theladiescue.com/thebabiescue
Instagram: www.instagram.com/thebabiescue



Read More by Voice of The Ladies Cue, Aziel Khoo