
As Singapore society becomes increasingly educated, there is this common sentiment shared by many parents. “Exactly how do we ensure that our children can excel and produce exceptional performance academically while having fun?”

Before rushing to sign your child up into an enrichment class, it is extremely important to understand the needs of your child, what classes are available and what do they offer.

Enrichment classes are often confused with tuition classes as they tend to focus on a certain subject and enhance a child’s learning. Enrichment classes, unlike tuitions, extend beyond your child’s learning at school. A big strength of enrichment classes is that children are engaged in activities that may appear like they are not learning but they are absorbing important skills in a fun manner, which is away from regular lessons.

Future Sparks Learning Academy

Selecting The Right Academy

Future Sparks Learning Academy is one of Singapore’s leading academies that has classes with robust programs. The academy has a curated list of books at the centre’s reading corner intended to spark your child’s curiosity. Future Sparks Learning Academy believes in creating a sustainable ecosystem where they pay it forward and support local enterprises.

Future Sparks Learning Academy Is Driven by 4 Principles: 

  • Affordable Fees
  • Committed to Quality
  • Open Communication
  • Attention to Detail

Look For The Right Program For Your Child 


Future Sparks Learning Academy


  1. Read, Write, Speak!
    The topics introduced to students are specifically chosen to be thought-provoking and personal thus providing an immersive learning experience. Research has shown that Future Sparks’ method of story-based education is 22 times more effective at getting students to learn. Your child can learn essential life skills such as presenting confidently, communicating effectively, and working in a team from early on. These skills are as important as academic excellence. Students are taught to communicate their thoughts with clarity and purpose.

    Future Sparks Learning Academy

  2. Math Master
    With a strong foundation, your child is challenged to move beyond their comfort zone to be ahead of the pack. Future Spark’s pedagogy of immersive learning experiences optimizes your child’s brain potential so that it is easier to connect new information with existing ideas. Research has shown that their method of using manipulatives is more effective at enhancing students’ learning ability. As each class is kept small, the academy is able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of every student and ensure that they receive the coaching they need. Students are equipped with knowledge of how to successfully navigate exam papers.

    Future Sparks Learning Academy

  3. Xiao Qi Dian 小起点
    Using books as a medium for teaching allows the academy to effectively teach children Chinese while keeping learning fun for them. Lessons incorporate games and group play to generate interest in Chinese, which makes it easy for your child to absorb and comprehend. The classes include immersive learning through positive association and memory recall. Children form powerful memories of lessons and deepen understanding. Learning in a group enhances social interaction and the ability to communicate effectively. Your child will also learn faster and make new friends.Future Sparks Learning Academy
  4. Reading Rockets
    Using the Alphabetic Principle, your child reads books, plays games, and performs activities that contain the sound they are learning. Future Sparks utilizes activities that stimulate children’s senses of touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing, as well as anything which engages movement and balance. It includes immersive learning through positive association and memory recall. Arts and crafts have a distinct advantage of unlocking children’s imagination. This gains your child a head-start in primary school by being able to read and understand words beyond their age group.

Free Trial Classes 

Curious about what goes on in classes and you are looking to let your child have a first-hand experience? Leave your contact details here and the academy will be in touch with you shortly!