
Many have asked about the motivation behind the birth of The Ladies Cue, and I thought it would be good for me to share on how we got started. Here we go!

How I Met Jenny

In 2018, Jenny and I met through a good friend, Joey, at a media event. We were at an open concept sports wear exhibition in Orchard Road. The evening wasn’t as cooling as I was hoping it to be, and in fact, I wanted to leave the event early because I was feeling uncomfortable. Jenny was the reason why I stayed on because I could click with her instantly. She had over 20 years of experience in the B2C and B2B marketing and business development for the parenting, beauty and lifestyle industries. Her vast knowledge captured my attention. I was an aspiring entrepreneur, with a decade of marketing background, I was hungry to learn more to improve.

After an enjoyable and engaging conversation, I was looking forward to the next time I could see her. It was fate that Joey invited me to a food tasting event shortly after. It was another opportunity for us to stay connected. I would like to take this chance to thank Joey – I know you will be reading this! Without you, The Ladies Cue would not exist at all. Thanks for creating this chance for me to grow along with The Ladies Cue!


During dinner, Jenny shared her journey as the Founder of Ladies Club Singapore and Management of SG Babyclub. Her dream to build a community inspired me. Her mindset, humility and hunger to improve had proven to me that a lady can do anything that she sets her mind to. I was deeply impacted and was dying to hear more of her work and life experiences.

Jenny: My Inspiration

For those who are new to Jenny, prior to starting out on her own, Jenny has worked in Mediacorp as a Senior Business Manager, and has managed a large portfolio of clients from multiple industries over the years. Her strength was on driving market growth, partnerships and brand awareness in the Asia. Her wealth of experience and extensive network in the media and publishing industry is a force to be reckoned with. Her strategies sets her apart from others as she transformed multiple companies from fading into oblivion to thriving and award winning stature.

Till date, it was not easy for me to find a lady of her level of achievements who would selflessly take time out to guide me. Therefore, I get extremely excited, and would stick to her as closely as possible during events, with hopes to learn from her. Her passion in helping startups and SMEs to grow their businesses rubs off to me. I may have known her for a short period of time, but she has impacted me greatly.

Motivation Behind The Birth of The Ladies Cue

Jenny demonstrates how a lady can be so powerful – having to juggle between family commitments and accomplishing her mission of ladies empowerment. She enjoys unleashing the full potential of ladies through healthy, harmonious and well-balanced lifestyle choices. Of course, her life isn’t a bed of roses. There were many tough times that she had to go through. As ladies, we yearn for love and support from our peers during good and bad times. The idea of having a support group for ladies to interact, learn from each other, be empowered and leave an impact on one another gave me new light because I had always wanted to be in a community that cares. Jenny has helped me become a better person, and I am sure the same would happen to you. 

Welcome onboard to The Ladies Cue, a lifestyle community. Let’s look forward to learning and growing together. Having the right attitude will allow us to conquer anything! Because nothing is impossible, and impossible is nothing, when there’s Tender Loving Care.