
What are your ways of pampering yourself with a newborn? I know some mummies are faced with the struggle of practicing self-love and care because most or all of their energy has been solely focused on taking care of their baby’s needs. But hey mummies, you’re important too because a happy mom means a happy baby! 

Massage has always been a relaxing and therapeutic experience for many people. Personally speaking, massage is a quick way for me to get good relief and quick rest because I can nap peacefully in that one-hour session. So when I was in confinement, I always looked forward to my postnatal massage. I actually find myself having more energy to take care of my baby after a massage, which I believed was due to my relaxed muscles and a good power nap.

Beauty Mums & Babies Prepares Essential Time For Mommies

This time round at Beauty Mums & Babies (BMB), I got the honor to experience their foot massage which I was looking forward to too. I’m actually back to work after my confinement. My work nature requires me to travel around in various locations daily and honestly speaking, it can be very tedious during the postpartum period. Simply because your body may not recover as well as how it was during your pre-pregnancy stage just because your confinement has ended. Personally, my stamina and strength have reduced greatly. Hence, I was looking forward to having my foot massage to ease the tension in my lower body.

Beauty Mum & Babies is a Maternity & Baby Wellness Centre with a team of WSQ-certified therapists who can take care of you throughout your pregnancy, as well as postpartum journey. The best part of it, is they have a strong team of trained therapists to take care of your infant too! 

Beauty Mums & Babies Prepares Essential Time For Mommies

Private room for my foot massage

At BMB, you can actually enjoy your treatments in your own private room. I simply love the idea of that as you can totally relax and rest in your personal space. Before starting my foot massage, the therapist (Lala) even asked if I’m breastfeeding my baby as she wants to make sure that the massage oil she used is safe for breastfeeding.

Beauty Mums & Babies Prepares Essential Time For Mommies

Rose water prepared for foot soak

I had my foot soaked with some rose petals and essential oil to help me relax. I actually thought I was going to just sit here for my foot massage as most of the massage places that I patrolled had this practice. However, Lala directed me to the bed for my foot massage instead, which took me by surprise! BMB made it a point for every mum to get comfortable here so that you can enjoy your pampering session.

Beauty Mums & Babies Prepares Essential Time For Mommies

Therapist Lala working her magic hands on my tired foot

Lala was so good with her skills too. She constantly check in on me to see if the pressure worked well for me, but also did not chat with me throughout the session so that I can rest comfortably. I was super appreciative of that as I could use the time to take a quick nap.

Although it was a short 30 mins session, I felt really well rested after my massage. As I said, a quick and peaceful nap works wonders for new mums!

Beauty Mums & Babies Prepares Essential Time For Mommies

Treatment room for mummies to get back to shape

If you think BMB only has massage services, then you’re in for a great surprise! They have a variety of treatments for mummies and even babies. Look at this machine here, it’s meant to help postpartum mommies get back to shape! It’s said that some ladies lost up to 3cm in one session!

Beauty Mums & Babies Prepares Essential Time For Mommies

They even have a specialized machine from Germany that focuses on repairing your pelvic muscles.

Beauty Mums & Babies Prepares Essential Time For Mommies

If you have to bring your infant along, you do not have to worry for your infant as well because there’s a special treat for your baby too! Bring along your baby for a baby spa or massage so you can enjoy your own treatment of your choice too! Look at how cute this baby spa room is!

Beauty Mums & Babies Prepares Essential Time For Mommies

Photo taken with therapist Lala and CJ

Mummies, you deserve the best and a good treat after delivery. After all, your body worked hard to nurse your baby. Give yourself a well-deserved break with Beauty Mums & Babies!