
We always heard of the term “Time Machine”, but can we possibly create more than 24 hours a day? For those superwomen wearing multiple hats: Being a career lady, mother, daughter, friend – how do we make the best use of our time? To me, proper time management equates to taking control of our time. I will share with you some personal tips on how I maximize my time so that you can apply it on a daily basis too!

  1. Set Daily Goals

Goal setting is my number one priority and is crucial to good time management. If I were to wake up and be completely clueless on my plan for the day, the day is likely to be wasted. I become sluggish because I have nothing to look forward to. It is likely that I will spend my time lazing around and when I look back at my day, I will feel unaccomplished. This negative feeling might be brought forward to the next day and this feeling snowballs.

Therefore, I would ask myself the night before: What do I hope to learn and improve when I wake up the next day? Is there an overseas trip I wish to go? If there is a place I wish to go, what would be the amount of time I would have to contribute to my career on a daily basis to achieve this goal? If you are a mother, is there a place that you would like to take your family to? Where is it, when would that be and how to make that possible? I suggest for you to note your goals down and break them into daily tasks. As you complete your list of daily tasks, make sure to tick them off. You are now on your way to better time management!

  1. Create a Daily Calendar

I would plan my day by the hour. This includes meal time, transportation time and bed time. I have my day planned before it unfolds. You can either choose to plan it in the morning, or the night before you sleep. For me, I would do it the night before. This gives me ample time to make adjustments. My calendar gives me a good overview of how my day will pan out. That way, I would not be caught off guard.

Be sure to stick to the calendar as closely as possible. When you organize your tasks, your time is used more effectively. If you are unable to complete the task within the stipulated timeframe, stop what you are doing and come back to it later. Sometimes, moving on to different responsibilities and then coming back to the task gives your mind a break and a new perspective.

  1. Wear a Watch

Time management is a skill that takes time to develop. It works differently for each individual. You need to explore and find what works best for you. Wearing a watch works best for me as it keeps me on track for the amount of time I spend on a task. Awareness is an important step towards better time management. The bonus point is that a nice watch can be an accessory to enhance our fashion style too.

A friend once told me: “Wearing a watch is a form of self-expression, and if you understand watches, you would be able to tell a person’s personality through his or her watch!” To me, I love wearing Swatch watches because their designs are simple yet elegant, and they are suitable for formal and casual occasions.

Swatch is introducing its new SKIN IRONY models this Fall-Winter 2019. The latest iteration of the brand’s thinnest watches is now available in a 42mm case, premiering six different models, featuring the colour codes of the season. These watches are available in Swatch retail boutiques and online store from 29th August 2019 onwards. I would love to get my hands on some of these fashionable pieces!


  1. Set Reminders 15 minutes Before Next Activity

Out of sight, out of mind – We should create reminders to aid us in completing our task. Can you imagine a day when you spend hours to draw up a grocery list and you forget to bring the list to the supermarket? Efficiency is key and let’s make use of the Reminder function to help us maximize our time!


  1. Take Time for Yourself

Mental health is vital to our efficiency. You wouldn’t allow your phone to have low battery, so don’t let this happen to you either. Self care is a priority, not a luxury. With a clear state of mind, we will be able to wake up feeling good about ourselves. With this positive energy, you will then be able to create possibilities and want to take charge of your life.

I used to get very stressed up over my responsibilities and even suffered from insomnia. This made me realized that I have to take care of myself first before I can take care of others. Never ever forget your “me-time”. Feeling good is tantamount to better self management, including time management.


I hope these tips are useful for you towards better productivity. Remember, taking charge of your time is also a cue towards taking the lead of your life. All the best!