
Postpartum period begins after the delivery of your baby and ends when your body has nearly returned to its pre-pregnant state. This period often lasts 6 to 8 weeks.

The postpartum period involves many changes, both emotionally and physically. You will be learning how to deal with all the changes needed with becoming a new mother.

You need to take good care of yourself to rebuild your strength. You will need plenty of rest, good nutrition, and help during the first few weeks.
But during this period there will be people giving their comments about their traditions and what to do during this confinement period, and I’ve experienced the amount of headache listening to uncle and aunties. So to help new age mums like me, here are some common myths that you might have heard.

Image from Still Young App

Myth #1: You can’t drink plain water during confinement period.

No it’s not true! It’s totally fine for you to consume plain water but water consumed should be boiled and warm.

Myth #2: You must consume alcohol during my confinement period.

It’s true that alcohol helps to promote blood circulation but it is NOT a must to consume it. Be careful not to over drink!

Myth #3: You can do workouts during my confinement period.

No you can’t, mothers should not over exert themselves or engage in strenuous activities. Make sure you give your body plenty of time to recover before doing so.

Myth #4: You cannot bathe and wash your hair for a month.

Please do not do that! It’s important to keep ourselves hygienic at all times. Personal hygiene should be prioritised to reduce the chance of rashes and wound infection, especially at the genital area.

Myth #5: All confinement meals should have ginger.

Ginger is advised to be included but not necessary for all meals. Again, don’t over do it.

After reading these myths, there is still a lot more out there and to new mums, it could be a struggle as there are so many uncalled for situations. Thankfully a group of 6 students by Ngee Ann Polytechnic initiated a project called Still Young. These students who are pursuing the Diploma in Chinese Media & Communication aims to use Still Young to raise awareness on the topic of confinement and educate their target audience on the topic of confinement through the application. They hope to continue the tradition and culture that benefitted Singaporean mothers since the beginning of time. This project allows young mothers to learn all about confinement, recommended diet and breastfeeding as well.

Launch of Still Young Application

Ms Tin Pei Ling, Member of Parliament gracing the event

At the launch of this mobile application, guest-of-honor Ms Tin spoke about her personal experience on confinement. “Having that time and process to heal after giving birth is so important. For nine months the baby is inside you, and you’re basically one entity. When you finally give birth, it’s very draining and strenuous. It feels like having an entire organ taken out.”

“The confinement period is also very important for the mother to establish that bond with her child, and regain the nutrients needed so you can breastfeed the baby.”

Image from @project.StillYoung Instagram

In collaboration with Pregnancy Care Canter Madam Partum part of Chien Chi Tow, and Confinement Angels, the application is able to provide accurate information and many helpful tips on confinement.

Director of Madam Partum, Ms Yen Lim and Head Trainer of Confinement Angels, Ms Rachel Ang shared their views in regards to their own experience.

Some questions asked during the launch were common misunderstandings to confinement like not being able use air conditioning or a fan during confinement period, and Ms Yen mentioned “I did use aircon but didn’t had direct fan blow during confinement period”

Ms Ang, also gave advice on how to ensure sufficient supply of breastmilk through proper diet and encouraged new mums not diet immediately after giving birth.

Together with Director of Madam Partum Ms Yen Lim

Learn more myths and facts about confinement that you have been hearing about. Still Young is available in both the App Store and Google Play.